+91-7699246073P.O. Gangkha, Martam, Sikkim

Admission Open for 2024 click here to Get Form

From the Principal's Desk

I sincerely welcome all of those who are entering SJS – To this beautiful valley of Martam. I am sure all of you are in the mood to chase dreams, and advance to the next round in your lives with happy thoughts. A tradition of SJS education has a long history. Besides molding talent for the society, the school is also a place to go for truth, knowledge and Beauty. 

In the era of stiff competition, success can only be achieved if one makes the right kind of endeavor at right time and in the right direction. Acquisition of knowledge is a must sustain in this global environment, to survive in these ever evolving and changing, new innovative ways of learning will meet the demands of futuristic era overall development of student. 

Each movement in SJS is a golden opportunity, an opportunity to learn, to give, to help, to love and to live fully. Thus education today is no longer confined to the four walls of the classroom.

At SJS all round efforts are being made to provide qualitative, value based, activity oriented education. Our striving for excellence in this direction has led to believe that the interest and creativity of a child has to be kept ever alive. SJS has always striven hard in providing a conducive and congenial atmosphere in the school, so that the activity of teaching and learning is done successfully. Education has to be a process which prepared the student to learn to develop a way of thinking, that is known success, academics alone is not our aim but to create good and thinking individuals with a right and positive attitude and also equip them to face real life situation. These could be achieved only with the co-operation and support from the staff members and parents. Together we can fulfill our dream of a clean and green SJS: Clean in word, deed and action and green in mind, heart and soul, closer to discipline, honesty, self sacrifice and obedience. Let us inculcate the same values in our children making them better citizens of our great motherland.

St Joseph School, Martam offers value based Education and wide range of extra curricular activities intended to complete and enhance the students’ academic experience.Nurtured dearly by dedicated sisters of St Joseph of Cluny along with devoted and efficient staff. St Joseph’s School prepares Josephite's for life. True to the vision  - To offer fullness of Life and to accompany our students. St Joseph’s School continues to offer an inclusive and holistic education, infused with value of life, liberty, fraternity, Dignity of human person, etc.Our quest for bettering the future of students is characterized by constant updating, equipped and infrastructure provision. The school has been upgraded to ISC (Science and Humanities).

The motto "Ever Onwards" is truly invigorating and is the primary motivation factor for all the Josephite's and this evident in all those who have passed through the portals.

I hope everyone will cherish his/her golden times and enrich his/herself in such a competitive age, so as to lead a meaningful life with broad horizons.

May we  always be guided by St Joseph our patron and blessed by God continuously. I wish all the Josephite's past present and the future, The very best in life and God blessings


Sr Erica Lepcha
